Domestic Violence
Resources: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Atlanta-area Resources
Day League: provides direct services, prevention education, and advocacy for youth and adult survivors of sexual assault, their families, and the community as a whole.
Address: 204 Church Street, Decatur, GA, 30030 24-Hour
Crisis Hotline: (404) 377-1428
For More Information: Click Here.
Services include: medical accompaniment, legal and court appointment, police accompaniment, financial advocacy, Individual therapy services for survivors of sexual assault ages 13 and up, and therapy support groups, No cost confidential forensic medical examinations to survivors of sexual assault ages 16 and up (including a medical examination, short-term crisis advocacy and case management, and instructions on the legal process)
International Women's House: provides a safe haven and supportive services to women and children who are the victims of family violence, sexual abuse, and human trafficking, with a focus on immigrant and refugee women and children, cultural sensitivity and self-sufficiency.
For more information: Click Here.
Call: (770) 413-5557
Services offered: State-certified shelter for victims of domestic violence, 24/7 crisis line with multi-lingual staff, Legal advocacy, Counseling, Parenting and financial skills training, Job training, Assistance with SNAP & Medicaid applications, Assistance with immigration paperwork, Housing assistance
LiveSafe resources: works to provide safety and healing to those impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault and elder abuse by offering services, creating awareness and fostering support within our community.
For More Information: Click Here.
Crisis Line: (770) 427-3390
Services offered: 24/7 crisis hotline, Trauma-focused crisis intervention, Undisclosed emergency shelter and transitional housing, Assistance with permanent housing/assisted living placement, Case management, Medical/Legal appointment accompaniment, Help in obtaining financial assistance, Counseling (individual and family as appropriate), Home visits/check-in (once in a safe environment), individual and community psycho-education
Grady's Trauma Recovery Center: Grady’s Trauma Recovery Center provides patients at Grady Memorial Hospital with 16 weeks of free psychotherapy and supportive case management services. They offer services for patients 13 years or older who are DeKalb/Fulton county residents and have experienced any of the following within the last three years: burns, domestic violence, firearm violence, human sex trafficking, motor vehicle collision, physical assault, sexual assault, stabbing. They can help connect you to services including primary medical care, assistance with finding emergency/safe housing, case management and assertive outreach, individual and group psychotherapy, legal and financial assistance referrals and advocacy, medication management and support, and self-care education and emphasis.
Email: traumarecoverycenter@gmh.edu
For more information: Click Here.
Partnership Against Domestic Violence: works to end the crime of intimate partner violence and empower its survivors through education, promoting healthy dating relationships among adolescents and teens to prevent future violence, offering safety and shelter for battered women and their children, restoring power, self-sufficiency, and control to survivors, and creating an effective and coordinated community response to intimate partner violence.
For More Information: Click Here.
Metro Atlanta Crisis Line: (404) 873-1766 National Crisis Line: (800) 621-4673
Services offered: 2 emergency shelters (Fulton & Gwinnett counties), While in housing, clients receive assistance with clothing, food, transportation, child care, and referrals for housing and job opportunities, 24/7 crisis line, Legal advocacy, Outreach and prevention programs, Supportive independent housing assistance, Women’s support groups
Safe-Haven transitional: works to support survivors with or without children, who are making the transition from a violent environment and provide them with resources and tools to strengthen, and restore them back into society as self-sufficient individuals.
For More Information: Click Here.
Call: (404) 241-8740 Hours: Monday through Thursday 10am – 6pm, Friday 10am-2pm
Services offered: support groups and counseling, financial classes and life skill courses, as well as helping women establish permanent housing and employment
Women’s Resource Center to End Domestic Violence: meets the immediate and mid-term needs of survivors of domestic violence, including children.
For more information: Click Here.
24-hour hotline: (404) 688-9436
Services offered: Emergency housing for victims of domestic violence (shelter), Legal advocacy, Domestic violence support groups, Child and family advocacy, Community education, Violence prevention program, Nia's Place (provides supervised visitation and supervised exchange of children for families affected by domestic violence), Savings program wherein the WRCEDV offers 50 cents for every dollar participants save up to a maximum of 1,000.
National Resources
For more information: Click Here.
Love is Respect: offers confidential support for teens, young adults, and their loved ones seeking help, resources, or information related to healthy relationships and dating abuse in the US, including a 24/7 hotline, text number, and live online chat.
WomensLaw.org: provides information to people of all genders regarding domestic violence, sexual violence, or any other topic found on the website, including an email hotline.
For more information: Click Here.
National Children’s Advocacy Center: provides child abuse response and prevention through intervention programs, medical and mental health services, prevention services, case management services, and parenting services.
For more information: Click Here.
Call: (256) 533-5437
National Domestic Violence Hotline is for any victims and survivors of domestic violence who need support. if you’re unable to speak safely, you can log onto thehotline.org or text LOVEIS to 22522.
For more information: Click Here.
Call: 1-800-799-7233
For TTY Call: 1-800-799-7233 Text: LOVEIS to 22522 or log onto https://thehotline.org
RAINN: is a hotline for survivors of sexual violence and their loved one, in addition to having an app, online chat, and education resources.
For more information: Click Here.
24/7 Hotline: (800) 656-4673