Equality Clinic of Augusta: is an LGBTQ-friendly space for those in the Central Savannah River Area community who are under- or un-insured and fall below 200% of the federal poverty level. Services include primary care, gender transition support, HIV screening, PrEP, free blood work, free clinical pathology tests, oral health screenings, and mental health support.
For more information: Click Here
Call: (762) 218-2226 Email: equalityclinicaugusta@gmail.com Address: 1014 Moore Avenue, August, GA 30904
NOTE: email or call the number above to schedule an appointment and include your name, desired appointment date and time, any necessary information, and how they should contact you. Clinic is open the second and fourth Wednesday of every month beginning at 5:30pm
Galano: is a support center for the Greater Atlanta LGBTQ+ and friends’ recovery community and 12-Step meetings, including alcoholic anonymous, narcotics anonymous, emotions anonymous, and more.
For more information: Click here
Address: 585 Dutch Valley Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30324
LGBT National Help Center: has a hotline that provides telephone, online private on-to-one chat, and email peer-support in addition to factual information and local resources.
For more information: Click here
Call: (888) 843-4564
Email: help@LGBThotline.org
Hours: Monday through Friday 4pm to 12am EST, Saturday 12pm to 5pm EST
LGBTQ Therapist Resource: seeks to improve access to safe, competent therapists for LGBTQ-identified individuals in Georgia through therapy groups and a therapist directory.
For more information: Click here
Lambda Legal in Atlanta: provides legal assistance to LGBT+ people and anyone living with HIV.
For more information: Click here
Call: (404) 897-1880
Address: 1 West Court Square, Suite 105, Decatur, GA 30030
Lost and Found Youth: provides 24/7 crisis support, housing, clothing and food, mental health services, STD and health referrals, education resources, and more as well as a safe space to LGBTQ youth ages 13 through 25.
For more information: Click here
Address: 2585 Chantilly Dr NE, Atlanta, GA 30324 24/7
Hotline: (678) 856-7825