Housing & General
Resources: Shelters and General Needs
Food, Clothing, and Other General Needs
Abrahams House: has several food distribution programs, including food items and hot meals, a community closet, and youth programs.
For more information: Click Here.
Address: 1517 Ralph David Abernathy Rd Atlanta, GA
Call: (404) 274-1810 Services, including a weekly hot meal: 11am-2pm
Action Ministries: works to address challenges of poverty by providing hunger relief and housing through several programs. To see if you are eligible for housing: call (404) 881-1991 ext. 5608 and leave a voicemail.
NOTE: housing services are for individuals between the ages of 18-24
For more information: Click Here.
Office: (404) 881-1991
Antioch Urban Ministries Inc.: works to assist the community through several housing and supportive services. This includes housing, transitional faith-based substance abuse recovery hoe, and housing
For more information: Click here
Address: 466 Northside Dr, Atlanta, GA 30318
Call: (404) 524-9775
Atlanta Community Food Bank: connects individuals to community food pantries.
Address: 3400 North Desert Drive, Atlanta, GA 30344
Text: FINDFOOD or COMIDA (for Spanish) to (888) 976-2232 Call: (404) 892-3333
For more information: Click Here.
Atlanta Inner-City Ministry: distributes food Thursdays 11-2pm and clothes on Saturdays 11-1pm.
For more information: Click Here.
Address: 1966 Lakewood Terr SE, Atlanta, GA 30315 Call: 404-622-7931 x100
Atlanta Recovery Center: helps homeless men through clothing assistance, bible study, daily meals, job search and readiness help, and referrals to medical clinics and treatment providers.
For more information: Click Here.
Call: (404) 577-3352
Address: 169 Trinity Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30303
The Catholic Shrine of Immaculate Conception: supports homeless and low-income individuals through a food pantry (more information under "Community Market" on their website), the morning sandwich ministry (every weekday 10 am to 10:30 am), the St. Francis Table Soup Kitchen (open every Saturday), and is a location for the Central Night Shelter (see Men’s shelters). NOTE: night shelter runs from November 1 to March 31
For more information: Click Here.
Address: 48 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SW, Atlanta, GA 30303
Call: (404) 521-1866
Central Outreach and Advocacy Center: opens doors to overcome and prevent homelessness. They offer many programs, including birth certificates, Georgia ID cards, eye clinics, referrals for many services and homeless verification letters, food stamp assistance, and the Main Frame job readiness program.
Address: 201 Washington St. SW, Atlanta, GA 30303
Email: intake@centraloac.org
Hours: Monday through Thursday 9am-12:30pm
NOTE: phone line is currently closed
For more information: Click Here.
CHRIS 180 Drop-In Center The SPOT: is a trauma-informed safe space for emerging adults (age 16-26) experiencing homelessness and other vulnerabilities to plan and prepare for their future. Services include education and employment supports, housing and counseling resources, clothing closet, food pantry, various workshops, and more.
Address: 1976 Flat Shoals Road SE, Atlanta, GA 30316
Email: TheSPOT@CHRIS180.org
Call: (404) 564-5201
Instagram: @chris180_advocate Twitter: @chris180_change Facebook: @chris180advocate Hours: MWF 9:00am-5:30pm TR 10am-5:30pm
For more information: Click Here.
City of Refuge: provides all around services for the homeless, including meals, a clinic, vocational training, and youth programs.
Address: 1300 Joseph E. Boone Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30314.
Call: (404) 874-2241
Email: housing@cityofrefugeatl.org
NOTE: allow 48 hours to have a call returned
For more information: Click Here.
Community Assistance Center: CAC helps residents of Sandy Springs and Dunwoody facing emergency situations meet the basic needs of food, shelter and clothing. CAC assists individuals and families experiencing unexpected financial crisis from situations such as a job loss or other reduction of income, illness, medical emergency, divorce or catastrophic situations such as fire or flood. They also have a food pantry and clothing boutique.
Locations and Hours: https://www.ourcac.org/hours-and-location/
Helpline: (770) 552-4015 and leave a message with contact information.
For more information: Click Here.
Crossroads Community Ministries: helps people through the renewal project (a stabilization program), a food kitchen, and housing assistance.
Call: 1-470-225-1995
Email: info@crossroadsatlanta.org
Address: 420 Courtland Street, Atlanta, GA 30308
Hours: M-F 9:30am to 1:30pm
For more information: Click Here.
DePaul Day Break: provides many services to homeless individuals such as housing, case management, breakfast, laundry facilities, showers, a health clinic, access to phones and computers, transportation assistance, and identification and documentation
Address: 174 Walnut St., Macon, GA 31201
Call: (478) 216-9119
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 7:30 – 11:00am, 12:00pm – 4:00pm and Tuesday 12:30 – 4:00pm
For more information: Click Here.
Feeding America: works to fight hunger in America and has a zip code based directory of food banks to help individuals in need find a food bank near them.
For more information: Click Here.
First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta: has a food pantry (open Tuesday and Thursday 1:00pm-3:00pm), Sunday Morning Prayer breakfast (open Sunday at 6:30am), public benefits applications assistance (Monday through Thursday 1:00pm-3:00pm), and a men’s clothing closet and shower (Monday and Wednesday 1:00pm-3:00pm).
Call: 404-228-7746 or 404-228-7766
Address: 1328 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309
For more information: Click Here.
Free99Fridge: is a network of community fridges around metro Atlanta with produce, prepared meals, and non-perishables where community members are encouraged to take what they need and leave what they don’t.
Questions: check FAQs and, if you still have unanswered questions, email free99fridge@gmail.com or DM on Instagram @free99fridge
For more information: Click Here.
Giving Kitchen: offers emergency financial assistance to pay basic living expenses for food service workers facing an unanticipated crisis such as accident, illness, injury, death of an immediate family member.
Address: 970 Jefferson St. NW, Ste 8, Atlanta, GA 30318
Call: (404) 254-1227
For more information: Click Here.
NOTE: cannot pay unemployment due to COVID-19
Hosea Helps Day Center: is a support program where families and individuals can visit their warehouse during the week and receive free emergency groceries, sign up for food stamps, receive household products, service plans, and financial assistance if eligible.
Address: 2545 Forrest Hills Drive, Atlanta, GA 30315 (call first)
Call: (404) 755-3353
Hours: Open Tuesday through Friday 10:00am – 12:00pm
For more information: Click Here.
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer: helps people with food and/or housing insecurity. Lunch is served 10:30am – 11:30am Monday through Friday
Email: redeemerfoodministry@gmail.com
Call: 404-874-8664
Address: 731 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30308
For more information: Click Here.
Midtown Assistance Center: is a non-profit whose mission is to provide emergency assistance to low-income working Atlantans to help prevent homelessness and hunger during periods of crisis. They remotely offer support through rent payments, utility bills, food/groceries, and MARTA cards for employment.
Call: (404) 681-5777
Hours: Monday, Thursday, and Friday 9am-11am, Tuesday and Wednesday 10am-12pm
NOTE: rent/utility submissions are currently closed, hopefully opening every 2-3 weeks with an announcement a few days in advance
For more information: Click Here.
mRelief: helps individuals check their qualification and sign up for food stamps via website and text.
Text: "Food” to 74544
For more information: Click Here.
Must Ministries: provides food, housing, job coaching, clothing, and healthcare in Marietta, GA. They also have an emergency rental assistance program for Cobb and Cherokee County residents
Employment Hotline: (470) 313-1960 M-F 10am - 4pm
For more information: Click Here.
SafeHouse Outreach: provides meals each evening at 5:30pm for any individual seeking food, comfort and outreach mentoring.
Chris180 Drop-in Center: Offers free food services based on the number in your household.
Drop-ins 12-2pm Tuesdays and Fridays
Address: 1976 Flatshoals Road, Atlanta, GA 30316
St. Vincent de Paul: offers emergency assistance temporarily through housing, utilities, transportation, clothing, and medicine support as well as 40 food pantries in Georgia.
Call: (678) 892-6163
For more information: Click Here.
Grady's Trauma Recovery Center: Grady’s Trauma Recovery Center provides patients at Grady Memorial Hospital with 16 weeks of free psychotherapy and supportive case management services. They offer services for patients 13 years or older who are DeKalb/Fulton county residents and have experienced any of the following within the last three years: burns, domestic violence, firearm violence, human sex trafficking, motor vehicle collision, physical assault, sexual assault, stabbing. They can help connect you to services including primary medical care, assistance with finding emergency/safe housing, case management and assertive outreach, individual and group psychotherapy, legal and financial assistance referrals and advocacy, medication management and support, and self-care education and emphasis.
Email: traumarecoverycenter@gmh.edu
For more information: Click Here.
All Gender Shelters
Coordinated Entry System: the process through which individuals in the metro Atlanta area experiencing homelessness can access housing assessments, emergency shelter placement, homeless prevention services referral, and long-term housing resources.
Call: (404) 215-6600 to access the Coordinated Entry System through the Gateway Center
Hours: M-F 9am-4pm
For more information: Click Here.
Atlanta Mission: is an organization working to end homelessness by providing food and shelter, addiction recovery, job attainment support, counseling, spiritual recovery, and educational services.
To get help, call: (404) 588-4000
NOTE: this is not a specific shelter, it is a network of shelters
For more information: Click Here.
Covenant House Georgia: provides emergency shelter, food, clothing, showers, and more for young people (age 18-21) facing homelessness and human trafficking.
Address: 1559 Johnson Rd. NW, Atlanta, GA 30318 Main
Phone: (404) 589-0163
Youth Direct Line: (404) 713-0954
For more information: Click Here.
Hope Atlanta: provides all-around services for homeless people, mostly serving people in crisis. Works to connect individuals with necessary services.
Office Address: 34 Peachtree St NW, Suite 700, Atlanta, GA 30303
Email: info@hopeatlanta.org
Office Hours: Mon/Tues/Wed 9am-5pm, Thurs 9am-2pm
Call: (404) 817-7070
For more information: Click Here.
Intown Collaborative Ministries: helps homeless people, with coordinated entry being the first step.
Call: 404-590-6956
Email: info@intowncm.org
Address: 1026 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30306
For more information: Click Here.
Jerusalem House: provides permanent housing for low-income individuals and families affected by HIV
Administrative Office Phone: (404) 350-1633
Georgia Relay 711: (404) 351-4816
Administrative Office Email: info@jerusalemhouse.org
For more information: Click Here.
NOTE: requires a referral from Hope Atlanta. Applicants must call (404) 574-193 (the hope Atlanta central intake line) and leave a voicemail, they will return the call within 48 hours
Our House: provides shelter for families experiencing homeless as well as family services, early childhood education, and employment services. The shelter offers up to six months of housing for families with newborns under six months of age.
Atlanta Location: 173 Boulevard NE, Atlanta, GA 30312; (404) 522-6056
Decatur Location: 711 S. Columbia Dr, Decatur, GA 30030; (404) 378-0938
Email: hello@ourhousega.org
For more information: Click Here.
NOTE: shelter is currently full, though they still encourage families to get on the waitlist
Salvation Army Metro Atlanta: provides emergency, transitional, and recovery programs.
Call: 404) 486-2700
Address: 469 Marietta Street, Atlanta, GA 30313
For more information: Click Here.
The Serenity House: is transitional housing. They provide comprehensive support services for 3 months to obtain employment, GED, technical or college education, etc.
Zaban Paradies Center: assists homeless couples over 21 through their Short-Term Residential Services Program, their Day Resource Center, and their Rapid-Rehousing Support Services.
Address: 1605 Peachtree St. NE Atlanta, GA 30309
Call: (404) 872-2915
Email: info@zabanparadiescenter.org or, for residential programs, tammy.patterson@zabanparadiescenter.org Note: the Short-Term Residential Program only runs September 15 through May 15
For more information: Click Here.
Women's Shelters
City of Refuge: provides housing for women and children through Eden Village and House of Cherith, which is specifically for women recovering from sexual trauma, in addition to meals, vocational training, and youth programs. Address: 1300 Joseph E. Boone Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30314
Eden Village Hotline: (404) 564-7764 Call: (404) 874-2241
Email: housing@cityofrefugeatl.org
NOTE: must call the Eden Village hotline (see number above) about available space and allow 48 hours for them to return your call
For more information: Click Here.
The Drake House: sponsored by United Way, provides housing and education programs for mothers experiencing homelessness in North Metro Atlanta.
Mary Hall Freedom Village: provides substance-abuse treatment services for women and families as well as emergency, transitional, and permanent housing, sober living, and specific transitional housing for veterans. Priority is given to pregnant women and IV drug users.
Address: 8995 Roswell Rd, Sandy Springs, GA 30350
Call: see specific phone numbers at https://www.maryhallfreedomvillage.org/admissions
For more information: Click Here.
My Sister’s House: is an overnight homeless shelter that accommodates both women and children. My Sister’s House also works to meet some of the other immediate needs of those who stay here. The caring and compassionate staff address those needs by offering counseling and childcare services as well as referrals for health and legal care. The staff also helps the residents find transitional housing and job training.
Address: 921 Howell Mill Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318
Call: (404) 367-2465
NOTE: admissions take place through Restoration House
For more information: Click Here.
Rebecca’s Tent: provides shelter, food, and safety to homeless women.
Call: 404-873-3147
Email: twesley@rebeccastent.org
Address: 1180 University Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30306
For more information: Click Here.
Restoration House: a trauma-informed shelter for women and children in the community providing shelter, meals, resource referrals, and medical care. Admissions take place by phone Monday through Wednesday 8:00 am – 10:00 am using the phone number below, expect to leave a voicemail and have your call returned.
Address: 655 Ethel St. NW, Atlanta, GA, 30318
Call: (404) 588-4007
For more information: Click Here.
Men's Shelters
Atlanta City Baptist Rescue Mission: has several programs to help people find employment and provide them with food, showers, and clothing.
Evolution Center: emotional and physical support for homeless men, including rapid access to safe shelter.
Call: (404) 215-6600
For more information: Click Here.
The Potter’s House: , through Atlanta Mission, is a 12-month, Christian-based, residential recovery program for men dealing with chemical addiction. Services include evidence-based curriculum, 12-Step coaching, spiritual education services, clinical groups and classes, recovery groups, GED classes, job coaching, financial literacy education, worship and recreational opportunities, and more.
Address: 655 Potter House Rd, Jefferson, GA 30549
For more information: Click Here.
The Shepherd’s Inn: , through Atlanta Mission, provides shelter, meals, laundry, social services, life skills classes, group and individual counseling, job training, spiritual services, and more.
Address: 165 Ivan Allen Jr Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30313
Call: (404) 367-2493
NOTE: client intake sessions are in-person Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30am - 11:30am, they are encouraged to arrive by 7:30am
For more information: Click Here.
Trinity Community Ministries: helps homeless men reclaim their lives and return to their families and communities as mentors and leaders. Programs include the Trinity House-Big Bethel and Trinity Living, which both help support individuals struggling with drug and alcohol addiction through group and individual counseling, case management, and peer-to-peer support.
Central Night Shelter (Bashor Homeless Mens Shelter): Shelter open from November 1st to March 31st that welcomes men of Atlanta of any age. They provide guests with a hot meal, bagged lunch, and breakfast; showers; access to medical and foot care; and recreational activities such as yoga, basketball, and art. Sign up is now open at The Gateway Center located at 275 Pryor St SW, Atlanta, GA 30303.
Spaces are offered only through The Gateway Center (www.gatewayctr.org).
For more information: Click Here.
Family Shelters and Services
Atlanta Children’s Shelter: provides service to homeless families with young children between 6 weeks and 5 years. Additionally, the shelter provides early childhood education, social services that allow families to gain the skills they need to become self-sufficient, and other resources through various community partnerships.
Address: 607 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30308
Call: (404) 892-3713
Email: info@acsatl.org
For more information: Click Here.
Homestretch: provides working homeless families (must be employed and have children) with temporary housing and support in achieving permanent housing and stability.
Address: 89 Grove Way Roswell, GA 30075
Call: (770) 642-9185 ext. 112 or use contact form to apply
For more information: Click Here.
Kansas Children’s Service League: is a resource dictionary for parents. Find helpful resources and supports near you through this site.
For free, confidential support in English or Spanish, call: 1-800-CHILDREN or (1-800-332-6378)
For more information: Click Here.
Nicholas House: is a shelter in Atlanta that shelters homeless families regardless of composition and seeks to keep families together during the traumatic experience of homelessness. Services include four housing models, adult education and training, youth services programs, and care up to two years after leaving the program.
Access Point: 275 Pryor St, Atlanta, GA 30303 (the Gateway Center) in addition to several mobile access points.
Call: (404) 622-0793 or see Contact Us page for more location specific phone numbers
NOTE: must go through Coordinated Entry Access Points
For more information: Click Here.
Rainbow Village: through the ASPIRE program, provides safe, stable housing and supportive services, as well as three years of supportive services following completion of the ASPIRE program and afterschool programming for children of participants.
Address: 3427 Duluth Highway 120, Duluth, GA 30096
Call: (770) 497-1888
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm EST
NOTE: not an emergency shelter. To check current capacity: email info@rainbowvillage.org
For more information: Click Here.
Solomon’s Temple: assists women and children facing houselessness, including day care services.
Call: 678-766-5752
Email: info@solomonstempleinc.org
Address: 2836 Springdale Rd SW, Atlanta, GA 30315
For more information: Click Here.